Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sci-Fi (Love me some David Tennant!)

I'm kinda... well, a nerd. A geek. My husband is a web developer and falls in love with new content management systems at least twice a year. From Cold Fusion to Joomla... ehh.... I, however, get my nerdiness from my love of science fiction. Mind you, I don't read a ton of sci-fi - it's the television shows that get me.

My husband, long being a fan of several sci-fi shows, introduced me to Firefly. I laughed! I cried. We watched Serenity and I cried some more. It was great.

Then I expressed interest in the Doctor. Doctor Who, you ask? Exactly! A long-running British series about a man that regenerates into another man (have to explain why a different actor is playing The Doctor, you know), who has a time machine and lots of adventures throughout space and time.... and well, it's supposed to be a children's show. But yeah, I got sucked into it.

We did skip the older Doctors from the 70's - 90's and just picked up with the 9th Doctor, Christopher Eccleston. Handsome, great accent. Loved the dynamic and I could go on and on... but I won't. I do promise, David Tennant, the 10th Doctor, was so whimsically dynamic that I was half in love with him, much to my husband's good natured chagrin. The 11th Doctor, played by baby-faced Matt Smith... lends a much needed levity to the series after the darkness that David Tennant's character brought to the end of his season. It's all wonderful and good!

So now we are faced with a problem. Do we go on to watching Trueblood or revisit my old friends on ST: TNG? Hmm. Hard choice.

Friday, September 14, 2007


Sorry, but you just missed a MASSIVE novel I wrote... what? You didn't see it posted here? What's wrong with you? Are you blind?

Hehehe... actually, the novel is up here for right now. *points to head* Sorry about that.

What? You thought you were going crazy? Naww... not yet, anyways.

Check back later. :)